Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Family Photos Make Me One Happy Momma!

Last week we were able to schedule a photo session with one of the mom's I met through the Moms & Tots meetup.com group. Kassi has her own Facebook Page too- Kassi's Kandids Photography! She did the 3 photos above. I am very excited to have our own portraits done! It was a nice and quick shoot but it was way too hot to be out any longer. I am very very excited about seeing the rest of them!

Auggie has been trucking along.... nothing too new with him. He's crawling all over the place. I've been letting him out of the living room a lot more lately. I guess, I shouldn't have to worry about what he gets in to. We only try to keep him out of the bathroom and kitchen now.

Friday I did my first maternity photo session. It went well! She actually had her little boy yesterday afternoon! We'll hopefully be doing a newborn session in the next couple of weeks. *gasp* that means I need to find props! ;) and quickly! It'll be my first newborn session, too! I'm excited about that too.

Since last week, Tim and I have been attempting to eat healthier. I'm not sure if healthier is the correct word but we've been "blending" one meal a day. Our blended meals are mostly veggies with a little bit of fruit to add some sweetness to the drink. The first one we tried (kale and mango) was my favorite. We've tried green apple-kale-spinach-grapes, green apple-lime-orange-kale, and blueberry-green apple-kale combinations. I'm ready for the kale and mango blend again. The blends have made great breakfasts. I'm not sure about Tim, but it keeps me full until 11 or so. I'm pretty sure we won't be able to keep up eating this much produce because it's expensive! It's a lot more than what we're used to spending a month which is disappointing because I've enjoyed them.

I do know we'll be eating healthier for the rest of the year, though. I don't think I posted it on here but Tim will be having knee surgery in October. Great, huh? He tore his ACL while at rugby practice last month. We're both disappointed (mostly because of the cost aspect) but with the surgery Tim will be able to get back into running and playing sports. The other option was just letting it heal on its own- which would leave his knee not as strong as he'd like. We just need to get to November! September is when we get both of Auggie's BAHAs... and then October is Tim's surgery.... and then November will be Auggie's birthday party and Thanksgiving... and then December is Christmas! Holy cow! It seems like we could just fly right through to January!

I'll have more pictures for you on Thursday...

Later Days!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures and I LOVE the new blog layout too! :-)


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