Like I said on Wednesday, our weekend was great! We got some quality time with family and I got to spend some much needed girl time with Shannon, Sydelle and Cynthia. I don't know what I'd do if I knew they weren't there for me- Love y'all!!
Thursday, Auggie and I went to the Houston Children's Museum. It is such a great museum! There is so much for kids to do with their parents. I'm sure when Auggie is older, he'll enjoy going. They have a Free Family night on Thursday nights from 5-8. I recommend it to anyone who has toddler to elementary school aged children. To be honest, Auggie & I only saw one exhibit- Kidtropolis- but it was fun and educational. We spent more of our time on the second level at the indoor play area for kids 3 and under. I know Auggie really enjoyed it once he noticed the bead-on-tracks toy (like this... I couldn't tell you what its called). Then he discovered the ball pit. He had so much fun with the balls and chasing them around once he climbed out of the little enclosure. He was exhausted by the time we left.
The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful. We spent the majority of the time at the house taking it easy. Somer, Delaney and Jeanice came over Friday afternoon. Delaney is so cute! She played peek-a-boo with me for a bit- adorable! It's hard to believe Auggie and Delaney are about a month apart... Auggie is tiny compared to a lot of the kids his age. I guess it'll even out eventually.
Saturday we were able to watch Cole play a double header. I left my camera at the house so I didn't get any pictures of Cole playing. Auggie enjoyed playing in the dirt and grass. It was really his first time in the dirt, though. In College Station, all we have is sand and its so dusty!
Auggie turned 10 months old on Saturday, too! I can't believe we have 2 months until his birthday! Gotta get to planning again!
Since Tim was enjoying his time fishing, I wasn't in any rush to get home and I know Tim wasn't either. He was able to stay and fish Monday so neither of us got home until 8 or 9 that night. Tim figured out how much time he spent fishing over the weekend- 37 hours! I can't imagine being in the water that much just fishing! No wonder his lips and nose are wind burned!
I don't know if I've said anything about me working soon or not. No, no, I'm not going to work- I'm going to start babysitting in either October or January! A girl I know from La Porte asked me in the spring if I would be interested in babysitting her son. Well, Jonathan was born yesterday! He is absolutely adorable! I hope the new family is doing well! I can't wait to meet him!
Auggie has been enjoying being home the past couple days. He has free reign over everything- okay, well, he had free reign in La Porte, too. Signing has been going alright.. nothing new or too consistent but I know he understands us when we sign milk or ball. I know he'll get it eventually! He's been making a few new noises. It's not the usual babble like most people think of when they say their kids babble (you know, "ba-ba-ba" or "ma-ma-ma") but we think its his way of babbling. He is definitely vocal.
Wednesday, we started Mainly Music again at First Baptist Church in Bryan. It has grown so much since we started going in March. Now they have 3 classes on Wednesdays with 2 new teachers. We're doing the 10 am session with 2 other moms from our Meet Up group. Most of the other moms are doing the 1 pm session but it coincides with Auggie's nap so we couldn't register for that one. I met a really nice mom while I was there yesterday. She asked what condition Auggie had and that sparked a 45 minute conversation. Her son was diagnosed with Spondylo-Epiphyseal Dysplasia (SED) a form of dwarfism. I enjoy having those conversations- makes me feel not so alone sometimes!
I had another conversation with an 18 year old Best Buy cashier over the weekend. He asked what was on Auggie's head and ended up explaining how his younger brother has 2 cochlear implants. I kind of chuckled when he said Auggie will probably have "super power hearing." It was good to hear that and have someone so nice tell their experience. It makes things so much easier when people are nice.
Well, I think I have rambled on long enough.. now to the pictures and videos I'm sure most of you are here to look at!
Waiting in the lobby at the Houston Children's Museum
Just a bad timing with the camera... but I do like this picture
Auggie loved crawling on the road
A nice day for a picnic
Auggie liked twirling the petals around
He got really excited about the play area as soon as he saw this toy
And he loved the ball bit!
Auggie also really enjoyed the bubble tube... It was hard to take him away
It had been a long day!
I had to get a picture of this
This was from our trip the summer of 2005! Cole had just turned 4!
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